Showing posts with label National Achievers Congress 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Achievers Congress 2012. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor Dad

Siapa sebenarnya Robert T Kiyosaki ni? Beliau adalah penulis buku francais - Rich Dad Poor Dad. Kalau sekali baca macam beliau ada 2 orang ayah ye tak. Jawapannya Ya dan Tidak. Ayah sebenar beliau ialah yang si "poor" tulah dan yang "rich" itu pula ialah mentornya. Buku2 yang diterbitkan semuanya Best Seller!!! Tak heranlah peminat dan pembacanya di seluruh dunia akan menyerbu beliau setiap kali dia singgah ke negara mereka. Jika dia mengadakan event atau seminar - GURANTEE FULL HOUSE!!!

Apa yang lebih menarik ialah cara beliau untuk lebih dekat kepada pembaca & memberi "personal touch" kepada mereka, beliau telah mencipta satu board game yang diberi nama Cash Flow 101 & 202 untuk di praktikkan. Permaianan yang ala Monopoli ini adalah bagi memudahkan kita paham tentang konsep "pergurusan kewangan" yang sebenarnya. Ini adalah cara termudah bagi korang untuk keluar dari belenggu "Rat Race".

[caption id="attachment_311" align="alignnone" width="150"] Cash Flow Game[/caption]

Berikut ialah biografi beliau....

I had two dads - a rich one and a poor one. One dad was highly educated and intelligent; he had a Ph.D. and had completed four years of undergraduate work in less than two years. He then went to Stanford University, the University of Chicago, and Northwestern University to do his advanced studies, all on full, financial scholarships. ... Rich Dad Poor Dad Rich Dad Poor Dad My other dad never finished the eighth grade. Both men were successful in their careers, working hard all their lives. Both earned substantial incomes. Yet one dad struggled financially all his life and the other dad would become one of the richest men in Hawaii. One died leaving tens of millions of dollars to his family, charities, and his church. The other left a legacy of unpaid bills. Both men were strong, charismatic, and influential. Both men offered me advice, but they did not advise the same things.Contrasting points of view. Rich Dad Poor Dad Having two dads as advisors offered me the perspective of contrasting points of view: one of a rich man and one of a poor man. The problem was that my rich dad was not yet rich, and my poor dad not yet poor. Both were just starting out in their careers; both were struggling with money and families. But, regardless of those commonalities, both had very different points of view on the subject of money.

One dad would say, "The love of money is the root of all evil." The other, "The lack of money is the root of all evil." Having two dads - and loving them both - forced me to think about, and ultimately choose, a way of thinking for myself. I had to think about each dad's advice and, in doing so, gained valuable insights into the power and effect of one's thoughts on one's life. For example: My poor dad had a habit of saying, "I can't afford it." My rich dad forbade those words to be used. He insisted that I say, "How can I afford it?" One is a statement, the other a question. One lets you off the hook; the other forces you to think. My rich dad would explain that by automatically saying the words "I can't afford it" your brain stops working. By asking the question "How can I afford it?" your brain is put to work. Exercise your mind My rich dad did not mean 'buy everything you wanted.' He was, though, fanatical about exercising your mind – the most powerful computer in the world. My rich dad said: "My brain gets stronger every day because I exercise it. The stronger it gets, the more money I can make." He believed that automatically saying "I can't afford it" was a sign of mental laziness. Although both dads worked hard, I noticed that my poor dad had a habit of putting his brain to sleep when it came to money matters. My rich dad, on the other hand, made a habit of exercising his brain. The long-term result was that one dad grew stronger financially and the other grew weaker. Our thoughts shape our lives Being a product of two strong dads allowed me the luxury of observing the effects that different thoughts have on one's life. I noticed that people really do shape their lives through their thoughts. The power of our thoughts may never be measured or appreciated, but it became obvious to me as a young boy that there was value and power in being aware of my thoughts and how I expressed myself. I noticed that my poor dad was poor not because of the amount of money he earned – which was significant – but because of his thoughts and actions. As a young boy, having two fathers, I became acutely aware of being careful in deciding which thoughts I chose to adopt as my own and to whom should I listen – my rich dad or my poor dad? At the age of nine I decided to listen to and learn from my rich dad about money. In doing so, I chose not to listen to my poor dad – my real dad – even though he was the one with all the college degrees. Dad differences One of my dads was a multimillionaire. The other was a poor man. Why? Very simply, it comes down to their respective attitudes toward money and life.

Take a look at the differences and think about where you fit...  Poor Dad vs. Rich Dad
My Poor Dad Said:  "My house is an asset."  My Rich Dad Said: "My house is a liability."
Rich dad says, "If you stop working today, an asset puts money in your pocket and a liability takes money from your pocket. Too often people call liabilities assets. It's important to know the difference between the two.

PD: "I can't afford it."

RD: "How can I afford it?"

The statement "I can't afford it" shuts down your thinking. By asking the right question, you mind opens up and looks for answers. "It's not how much money you make that's important – it's how much money you keep and how long you keep it." Understanding the difference in attitudes between Rich Dad and Poor Dad is essential to taking the first steps to financial freedom. For a comprehensive look at how to battle the Poor Dad mentality and adopt the Rich Dad state of mind, learn more about the tools we offer to help you on your journey to financial freedom.
- Robert


Kepada yang berminat nak mencuba permainan Cash flow secara online boleh klik kat bawah tapi korang kena register dulu kat website tau... enjoy :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

National Achievers Congress Malaysia 2012

Satu hari tu tetiba je hp aku berbunyi Beep..beep..beep.. uiks ada email masuk. Tertera di skrin email dari Groupon mempromote event di atas. Hmm... macam best jer nie! uiks bukan senang nak jumpa live si Robert dan bininya ni... kat Malaysia pulak tu. Lagi pun dapat diskaun hehe. Setelah berbincang dengan my wife kita orang pun decide nak enroll dan memandangkan event tu time cuti sekolah kita orang book untuk anak2 sekali...kira cam Team building session untuk dioranglah... 3 hari 3 malam kita orang pergi berkampung kat Sunway Convention Centre :)

Yang best pasal event nie mereka ada 10 speaker lain yang rata2 mempunyai kepakaran dalam bidang masing2..nanti aku story kat bawah ye...

Day 1

Since kita orang dapat tau yang pendaftaran di buka dari jam 7:15 pagi so kenalah pergi awal sebab kalau lambat sure full house. Jam 6:30am kita orang dah sampai, berkobar-kobar masuk ke dewan covention...ALAMAK!!! ramainya orang! mereka ni tidur sini ke? setelah membuat pendaftaran dan sementara nak nunggu pintu dewan dibuka jam 8am keadaan makin sesak dengan orang ramai datang non stop..uishh boleh lemas nie...macam sardin :(

Buka je pintu semua rush masuk, tolak menolak berlaku.. adoi takder sivik langsung orang Malaysia ni termasuklah aku hehehe.. memandangkan aku beli yang general seats so free seatinglah...nasib baik dapat tempat yg strategik kira tak payah guna teroponglah nak tengok stage tu.

Tepat jam 8:30am MC pun keluar..Wah on time. Tapi time tu aku lihat masih ramai yg beratur untuk register kat luar dan by then semua kerusi dah penuh. Aik mana mereka yg blom masuk ni nak duduk? last2 ada yang terpaksa berdiri kat tepi dewan dan belakang dewan. Dasyat btol penangan NAC 2012 nie.

Memandangkan ada 10 orang speaker yang akan present selama 3 hari ni aku akan share speaker yang mana lebih menonjol jer ye. Ooh seperkara lagi.. boleh di katakan 80% dari mereka akan bercakap rata2 secara 90 minit dan sebelum berakhir akan promote produk mereka, alahh biasalah yer tak... nak beli boleh beli... tapi average between RM4000 - RM 5000 untuk personalise seminar + product mereka.

The speakers...

[caption id="attachment_282" align="alignnone" width="150"] Krish Dhanam[/caption]

Penulis buku "The American Dream From An Indian Heart" ni memang power presentation dia. Beliau adalah salah seorang dari 2 orang anak didik Zig Ziglar yang expert dalam 'Creating winning momentum".

Mamat dari Singapore nie mahir dalam bidang mempromosikan jualan secaran online. Kira internet gurulah. Rahsia kejayaan nya ialah dengan mencipta "Magic button" atau pun "squeeze page" dalam laman web atau blog. Untuk apa benda tu? untuk create maliling list dan database supaya jika ada produk baru boleh buat announcement dengan sekali click.

[caption id="attachment_287" align="alignnone" width="150"] Deborah Torres Patel[/caption]

Yang nie memang favourite kita orang satu family. Expert sebagai - voice and communication coach.  Kiranya kalau korang ada masalah untuk buat public speaking dia ni akan turn korang jadi expertlah. Dan kalau korang bercita cita nak jadi penyanyi dia akan ajar teknik yang betul hehe. Popular dengan tagnya  "Secret of your millionaire voice". Tapi 5 tips yang dia bagi memang power dan boleh di adaptasi dalam hidup seharian korang. Yang best pasal deborah ni.. bila dia ajar nak bagi semua senang paham ialah dengan cara menyanyi! so aku yang bukan kaki karoeke ni tetiba menyanyi err terasa sumbang lah pulak :) tapi memang kita orang enjoy!

[caption id="attachment_288" align="alignnone" width="150"] Eve Michaels[/caption]

Ehem.. agak2 korang apa forte minah nie? Beliau ialah International acclaimed Transformational Makeover Expert atau senang citer dia nie Image consultant lah hehe. Dia nie pun best. Just imagine dalam satu excersize dia bagi kita orang kertas dan setelah kita tulis nama pass pada 3 orang yag kita tak kenal untuk menilai image kita dalam 10 saat! Dalam kertas tu ada 3 soalan.... 1) What do you think of my profession? 2) Do you want to do business with me? 3) yang nie aku lupa.. SORRY..

Nak tau apa jadi? Aku pass lah borang nie kat sorang minah duduk sebelah aku.... dia tulis dengan cepat dan aku sempatlah usha tengok apa yang dia agak kerja aku...nak tau apa dia tulis kat bahagian profesion aku? BOUNCER!!!! perghh... badigol btol hahahaha. Moral of the story image korang penting untuk 1st impression! So guess what next day semua orang pakai smart err termasuklah aku!

[caption id="attachment_289" align="alignnone" width="144"] Nishant Kasibhatla[/caption]

Si Nishant nie memang terror dalam memory power. Semua benda dia boleh ingat. The best part dia ada lah bagi tips kat semua teknik camner nak menguatkan ingatan korang. Yang penting nasihat dia... jangan sesekali korang guna perkataan "forget" atau "Lupa" dalam kehidupan korang sehari2 sebab bila korang sebut benda tu secara luar sedar korang akan kompem jadi lupa. Logik gak kan!

[caption id="attachment_290" align="alignnone" width="150"] Robert & Kim Kiyosaki[/caption]

Siapa tak kenal mereka ni. Buku Rich Dad Poor Dan memang laris jualannya seluruh dunia dan board game Cash flow 101 & 202 mereka memang best! (ala ala macam Monopoli) So bila mereka keluar je on stage meremang bulu roma...dewan jadi riuh cam kena histeria pulak. Selama 90 minit tu  rasa cam sekejap je .... Ehh korang nak tau tak satu rahsia? kepada yang minat buku mereka korang tau tak siapa sebenarnya "Rich Dad" si Robert nie?  Frankly dalam semua bukunya dia tak pernah pun sebut dan reveal siapa "Ayah Kaya" dia kan... kalau nak tau... PM aku ye hehehe.

Secara overal seminar selama 3 hari 3 malam nie memang puas hati. Yang penting anak2 aku yang turut serta terus berubah cara pemikiran dan adaptasi kepada pelajaran. Ibu bapa mana tak seronok bila lihat anak2 mereka tetiba jer rajin belajar, kemas bilik tanpa di suruh yer tak! cam kata kartun Boy boy boi - Terbaik !

Lepas nie kira orang dah plan anak bernak nak pergi Millionaire Minds Intensive Seminar pada 30/11 - 2/12/2012 di MIECC, Seri Kembangan. Tiket pun dah book! ehh kalau korang berminat nak pergi ada FREE tiket tau... korang klik kat  banner di bawah nie... Just imagine dalam masa 1 hari aku dok share dan war war dengan kawan2 dah 100 orang daftar untuk program nie. Kalau korang nak baca buku T Havr Eker nie pun ada kat link sebelah ... enjoy :)

"Sharing is Caring"